Had a blast at the Wireless Repair Expo? We want to hear your story!

We hope you’ve all fully recovered from the Wireless Repair Expo at CTIA 2014 Super Mobility Week! The eTech crew is happy to be back and proud that we all made it to work on Monday with our heads full of ideas and the memories we made with all of you who joined us last week. I think we speak for anyone and everyone who took part in the Wireless Repair Expo this year when we say, we can’t wait for next year!

We’ll have plenty to share over the coming weeks so you can get a full look at what eTech Parts was up to at the first-ever Wireless Repair Expo. In the meantime, we want to hear YOUR story! Leave your story in the comments below, email it to us at marketing@etechpartsdotcom, send us your favorite pictures, tag us on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter @etechparts — we want to see what YOU got out of the Wireless Repair Expo and what memories you’re taking home. What was your favorite part? What made the trip worth it for you? We want to hear your story!


photoAfter a week of hard work and steadfast determination, the eTech Parts CTIA crew celebrated our combined success with dinner on Thursday evening!


To everyone who joined us last week, from all of us here at eTech Parts.. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We could not be more proud of the community who joined us, the amazing people who came and shared their passion and knowledge and expertise with us and the entire community. Looking back on the week we spent with the Repair Community has been heartwarming and enlightening, and we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you.

Usually when I use the term “Repair Community,” I’m referring to the wonderful group of technicians and business owners who are part of our growing online community. After witnessing the undeniable sense of camaraderie and friendship that blossomed so quickly and organically last week, the term “Repair Community” has taken on a much deeper meaning. The Repair Community is you, and me, iFixit, eTech Parts, and even that competing repair shop owner down the street from you. The Repair Community is growing stronger each day and eTech Parts is so proud to be part of it.


If you missed out on the first-ever Wireless Repair Expo (and boy did you miss out) take that feeling of missed opportunity, of wishing you were there, and mark your calendars for next year! Seriously, you can’t miss out on this opportunity to meet the best in the industry, learn from your peers and make connections that will last a lifetime. The Wireless Repair Expo will be back bigger and better for Super Mobility Week CTIA 2015! We’ll let you know the moment you can sign up for next year!

Industry Networking Event at CTIA 2014

We have a lot of exciting things planned for the Wireless Repair Expo at CTIA 2014.. Between meeting with our awesome customers, presenting on-stage at CTIA, and holding an industry leaders’ panel discussion, we have a crazy week ahead of us at CTIA 2014! But we didn’t have anything planned for Wednesday night, so we had to add something fun to the mix..

On Wednesday, September 10th starting at 6:30 until Midnight, eTech Parts will hold an Industry Networking Event in our hospitality suite at the Bellagio. Experts from every facet of the repair industry will be joining us for drinks and a little shop talk, so grab your business cards and meet us at the Bellagio!


Wednesday Nightds

eTech Parts Industry Networking Event
Wednesday, September 10th
6:30 — Midnight


If you plan on attending the Wireless Repair Expo at CTIA 2014, we’d love for you to join us for this special event. Join eTech Parts for an interactive evening of networking with industry experts, entrepreneurs, repair shop owners, advanced technicians and more. Take this opportunity to come connect and interact with the great people who make up this booming wireless repair industry. Visit our website to sign up for more information.


If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact us at 913-839-1718.

Closed for Labor Day

eTech Parts will be closed on Monday, September 1st in observance of Labor Day. We’ll be closed to give our hard-working team a well deserved break after the past few months of record-breaking sales and long hours. We’re lucky to have such awesome and dedicated people on our team, who work harder each day to make eTech Parts the best supplier in the nation and the greatest company to work for.

Plus, FedEx doesn’t ship on Labor Day, and we can’t do much without being able to ship orders out or receive parts for packaging. Either way you spin it, we think this holiday is great to observe because it celebrates all of us — repair shop technicians, business owners, entrepreneurs, and everyone here at eTech Parts.


Due to this national holiday, eTech Parts will not ship orders on Monday, September 1st. Get your orders in by Thursday, August 28th to stock up on parts before the busy weekend!


  • Standard overnight orders placed on Thursday, August 28th will arrive on Friday, August 29th
  • Standard overnight orders placed on Friday, August 29th will arrive on Tuesday, September 2nd
  • Priority overnight + Saturday Shipping orders placed on Friday, August 29th will arrive on Saturday, August 30th


We wanted to give a little background on the meaning of Labor Day and its importance to the American people. Here’s a quick snippet from History.com:

“Observed on the first Monday in September, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.”


You can find out more about the meaning behind Labor Day on History.com. It’s actually pretty interesting and a good reminder of how lucky we truly are as Americans in the workplace. And after all your contributions and achievements in the repair industry, we think you deserve a day off too! We hope at the very least you get a chance to relax and take a moment to celebrate the holiday. Thanks for reading and if you have any questions about our shipping schedule, don’t hesitate to call us at 913-839-1718 and one of our dedicated account representatives will be more than happy to help you.

Hiring New Technicians? We Can Help!

Lately we’ve noticed an exciting new trend in the wireless repair industry… Hundreds of repair shops around the country are posting job ads on social media, searching for beginner or skilled technicians to join their teams. Growth is always great news for the repair industry and we’re proud to see these one-man shops growing from one to two, from two to four, to multiple locations in a matter of a year or two!


New Employees - Green Pushpin on a Map Background.


If you’re searching for a new technician, we know the process can be daunting. How do you find a technician who knows the technical stuff but can handle interacting with customers, too? Are you willing to train the right person to be your new technician, or is experience a requirement for your business? Every repair shop is different, so that means your needs are different, too.

If you’re searching for a new technician, but not really sure what you should be searching for, look no further. We’ve created two guidelines for smartphone repair technician job position posts to help you figure out what qualities and qualifications you should look for in your next hire. Again, every repair shop is different so you might need to add or subtract a couple things from the lists as you see fit. Check them out below!



We also suggest checking out SmartTech Jobs, a website specifically created for cell phone and device repair job postings. Both employers and job seekers have access to posting their information on SmartTech Jobs, which is cool because it shows you what other repair shop owners are looking for in technicians as well. You can even check out the resume section to see if there are any qualified technicians looking for work in your area!


Tool Bench Sets




When you’re ready to bring on a new technician for training, you better have the right tools for the job! We’re really excited about these new Tool Bench Sets, created with technicians in mind and exclusively from eTech Parts. These bench sets come with everything you need to perform the most basic wireless repairs. With three different levels of technician tool sets, there’s definitely one that will fit your repair shop needs (and budget). These kits are packed full of high quality tools built to last!


Professional’s Tool Bench Set

The Professional’s Tool Bench Set comes with everything you need to get started doing the most basic wireless repairs! It includes a starter pack of Red TapeTM adhesive, opening tools, digital laser gun infrared thermometer, spring clamps, anti-static essentials and all the Wiha screwdrivers you need for the most basic repairs. It includes much more, you can check it out on our website — and be sure to log in to see your wholesale discount!




Specialist’s Tool Bench Set

The Specialist’s Tool Bench Set is packed full of tools to help you get started in glass-only repairs and water damage repairs. This kit includes everything in the Professional’s Tool Bench Set as well as LCD testing cables, the Wiha 50 Piece Master Technician’s Tool Rack, some additional spring clamps and suction cup tools, and smaller tools to help with glass only repairs. The Specialist’s Tool Set comes with the Red TapeTM dispenser, too, which is a huge hit among members of the Repair Community.


Master Tool Bench Set

Our Master Tool Bench Set is a tool kit for the ultimate professional repair technician. Not only does it include everything in the Professional and Specialist’s tool kit, it includes the entire gTool lineup AND all the ScrewMats you can imagine! Do you remember the Unauthorized Guide to iPhone, iPad, and iPod Repair? It’s included in there, too! Be sure to check out the full kit on our website to see just how much swag is packed in this fantastic kit.


Thanks for reading and let us know in the comments below if you’ve hired any new employees so far this year. How many employees have you hired? And in your opinion, is it better to hire someone with experience or the “right person” to train how to do the job? Let us know your experiences in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you! Be sure to join us over on our Facebook page where the thriving Repair Community talks shop and discusses all things from repair techniques to business etiquette. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube too, so be sure to follow and subscribe for more from your friends at eTech Parts!

Repair or Replace?

To repair or replace… This question comes up for most smart phone users who at one point or another have the misfortune of dealing with a broken phone screen or otherwise damaged smart phone.

Choosing whether to repair or replace is definitely a case-by-case scenario in which one person might be better off replacing their phone, while another should definitely choose to have their phone repaired.

Before I was lucky enough to work for eTech Parts, I shattered the screen on my beloved iPhone 3GS and, unfortunately for me, had no idea that repair was an option. Begrudgingly, I used an ancient flip phone for months just so I could save up enough money to buy myself a new iPhone 3GS off-contract. Looking back, I could have saved myself over $300 simply by choosing to repair over replace.

You live, you learn.


Trying to convince a repair customer to choose a repair over a replacement can at times be challenging and maybe even confusing – but here are some points you can make to your customers if they have doubts about whether it’s right for them. Share it on your Facebook page, Tweet it and let them know the facts. Choose to repair – NOT replace!




While it might at first seem manageable to buy a new device outright, the cost can end up being a lot more than you would expect to spend on a smartphone. Without subsidized contract pricing, a new iPhone 5s can set you back about $650. Considering the average price for fixing a broken screen on the iPhone 5s is $135, choosing to have your device repaired makes a lot more sense than replacing it.

By choosing to repair, you’ll save time and money with most repair shops taking only about 20-30 minutes to fix the average iPhone 5s. No SIM card swaps or backing up data necessary. You get your exact phone back, with some repair shops even repairing your device right in front of you!


Sometimes – especially when a device is newly released – the price of parts can be extremely high, meaning repair prices will be too. This price steadily declines as replacement parts become more readily available. A repair that costs $350 the month a device is released can be as low as $125 a few months down the road! It happens with every new device and we can expect the trend to continue as more devices are released.

In some cases, the best option might be to replace or upgrade your device. If your 2-year contract has ended or your cell phone provider is willing to renegotiate your contract, it might cost you less to replace your device. If you can get a good deal, take it.





Many repair shops can get a customer in and out in less than an hour – some shops even report repairs taking less than 20 minutes! In the digital age, going days without your smartphone can really mean going days without your work phone, email, and social contacts completely. Our phones are our lifelines so planning time to be without them can be a little stressful.

While there are many mail-in repair services to choose from, we advise checking reviews online before sending your device anywhere.

From what we hear, many warranty companies will send a refurbished phone to you instead of sending you back your original device. This means someone else’s device is now in your hands and transferring all that data? Yep, that’s in your hands too. Choosing local repair (or reliable mail-in repair services) will save you time and the hassle of transferring data to and from devices.


The average time it takes to repair an iPhone 5s is 27 minutes – so in most cases, repair shops can get the average repair customer in and out in about an hour, depending on the repair shop of course.

If it’s a one-man show in a repair shop near you, you’ll typically have to wait a little longer to pick up your phone. But many repair shops offer same-day or while-you-wait repairs, which take very little time at all.



Environmental & Local Impact


Choosing to repair your device over replacing it will always be better for the environment. According to iFixit, 75% of all electronics that are thrown out or “recycled” end up in foreign countries where it’s burned for scrap by children in junkyards. This toxic e-waste is filling landfills all around the world and it’s time to change the way we think about, use and recycle electronics. Check out iFixit.org to see just how crazy this e-waste epidemic truly is.


globalPhoto by iFixit.org


When you break a component of your phone, it’s important to realize these devices are easily repaired and choosing repair not only helps the environment – it helps your community, too. Every time you choose to have your smartphone, tablet or computer fixed locally, you’re helping to support jobs in your local community. Choosing small business will always benefit your community and over 90% of repair shops in the United States are locally owned small business repair shops.


By choosing to repair, you’re making the right choice for the environment and for your community, too. Supporting repair is the responsible choice to combat our throwaway economic culture. While in some cases of more serious damage or contract renegotiation, replacing an iPhone can be a more cost-effective choice — but you should always be sure to reuse or recycle your device in a responsible way. Repair it and give it to a kid to use as an iPod, sell it on Craigslist or check out our list of the Top 10 Uses for your Old iPhone.


Thanks for reading — be sure to stay tuned for more from your friends at eTech Parts! Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for helpful tips, tricks and Q&A sessions.

Do you want to be the BEST or the CHEAPEST?

If you’re running your own business, have you asked yourself this question?

Making a conscious choice to be the best or the cheapest can make a dramatic improvement to your business, regardless of which option you choose. Each has its perks and benefits, depending on what you want for your business.

 0829_iPhone_DIY_630x420Photograph by yasinguneysu/Getty Images


However, one of the worst things you can do is try to be both. There is a fundamental flaw in trying to be the cheapest and the best because it costs money to be the best. If you try to do both, the competitor who is solely focusing on being the best will always be better than you and the competitor who is laser-focused on being the cheapest will always be cheaper than you. While it’s not impossible to be both, in most cases you will be much more successful by focusing on one or the other.


We highly suggest you choose to either be the best or the cheapest.


If your business is new in your community, you might make the argument that it takes time to become the best; if you want to gain customers quickly, being the cheapest is your best option. It’s true – when you start a company you have to do whatever it takes to make it work and grow your business. Often times this means undercutting your competition, but you should decide early on if that’s your long-term strategy or simply a way to get to a place where you can focus on being the best.


Here at eTech Parts, we are constantly reminded to ask ourselves this question. Though we decided early on to focus intently on being the best wholesale parts supplier in the country, we are often tempted when our customers sight lower prices from our competitors. More specifically, we’re tempted to bring in a lower quality screen option so we can have the lowest price on the market.




It’s Not Comparing Apples to Apples


The lack of regulation and quality standards in the iPhone repair industry makes the issue of price particularly challenging for us. It’s difficult to compare apples to apples when it comes to parts for iPhones and iPads, since there’s an extremely wide range of quality that can be hard (sometimes nearly impossible) to visually distinguish before the sale. When people ask if our parts are better than (insert name of supplier here)’s parts, or what separates our parts from the rest, the right answer can be difficult to give them. Without having (insert name of supplier here)’s parts in hand, testing them side by side with our parts, we can’t really tell you which parts are better.


But we can remind you of the old saying, “You get what you pay for,” and if your stateside supplier is selling you “original” screens for $23… we can pretty much guarantee they’re not.


We sell our parts for as little as possible, while still being able to offer a hassle-free return policy, world class customer service, community and industry leading quality. In order for us to compete on price with our competitors, many of whom solely focus on price, we would have to compromise the quality and service that is our foundation for success. Offering a lower quality product in order to compete with lower quality suppliers isn’t part of our agenda, and wouldn’t align with our company values.


“Price is what you pay – value is what you get.” – Warren Buffett


eTech Parts will continue to focus on being the best by sourcing and supplying only the highest quality replacement parts for iPhones and iPads, and offering the best customer service and support in the industry. If you’ve decided to focus on being the best repair business you can be, we’re here for you – and you’re in the best hands! We want to partner with companies and repair technicians who share the same values and realize that being the best in business is definitely worth paying a little bit more.


Let us know what you think in the comments below — does your business focus on being the best in the business or do you instead focus on offering the best value to customers? We’re all about quality of parts and service so as always, if there’s anything we could be doing to better help your repair business just let us know! You can find us anytime of day on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and of course you can always call our offices during normal business hours at 913-839-1718.

iPad and iPhone Repair Checklist

Last July, we released an iPhone repair checklist and iPhone repair waiver form to help repair shop owners protect themselves and their customers during repairs. Even though our repair checklist had a very simple design, the issue it presented was persistent enough to warrant a certain level of visibility within the Repair Community. Soon after its release, Protecting Yourself, Protecting Your Customers became one of our most popular eTech Parts blogs. Now that we have our very own graphic designer (thank goodness!) who knows how to create awesome graphics in no time flat, we’re excited to release our updated iPhone repair checklist! We even have an iPad repair checklist, too!




You can find our Downloadable iPhone Repair Checklist and iPad Repair Checklist on our website. Add them to your cart and checkout using COUPON CODE “checklist” to get both these printable repair checklists for free!

And now, you can even get a Customized iPhone Repair Checklist (and a Customized iPad Checklist, too). By purchasing these customizable repair checklists, you will receive a customized file for your own business. This file includes a “Submit” button which will be formatted to automatically send a copy to your email address.

Simply have your customers electronically fill out the form, click “Submit” and a copy of the checklist will automatically be sent to your email! This is the perfect option for businesses utilizing electronic POS systems or ones that prefer electronic filing of business documents.


One of the best ways to make sure your bases are covered is by completing a damage checklist prior to each repair performed, to note any preexisting scratches or internal issues that are already occurring. Have your customer sign the iPhone repair checklist after you explain to them what you will be fixing, so there’s no confusion if the reality of the repair doesn’t quite meet their expectations. For example, if the loud speaker in a customer’s iPhone doesn’t work prior to a screen repair, they might come back confused as to why their loud speaker doesn’t work after the repair. They thought you were going to fix it! Or, but, it was working perfectly before!

Some repair customers have even accused technicians of breaking certain components during a repair — and though the technician might be 1000% sure it wasn’t their fault, this doesn’t exactly make for happy repair customers either way. These checklists are the best way to ensure you and your customers are on the same page. It’s also an easy way to explain to them exactly what you’re fixing and it gives them a lot more insight into how much work actually goes into properly diagnosing, repairing, and troubleshooting their device. They’ll probably appreciate you taking the time to make sure their iPhone or iPad is getting all the TLC it needs!


Thanks for reading and we hope you can benefit from these updated repair checklists! If you have your own process or forms for customers to sign prior to repairs, feel free to share your wisdom in the comments below! As always, we love hearing from the Repair Community so never hesitate to reach out if you ever have any thoughts, suggestions or questions for us here at eTech Parts. You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube…we’re pretty much everywhere!

NEW! Standard LCD Screen for PC’s

You read that right.. eTech Parts is now selling one of the most popular LCD screens compatible with PC Laptops! We’re excited to introduce the Grade-A, standard LG 15.6″ LED backlit LCD to our rapidly growing inventory of parts. While our focus remains on repair parts for Apple devices, we feel it would greatly benefit our repair shop customers to have a reliable source for these extremely popular standard LCD screens.

Sign in to your wholesale account to see your discounted pricing. If you don’t have an account yet, simply signup for a wholesale account on our website!




Just how popular is the LG 15.6″ LP156WH4-TLN2 LCD screen, you ask? Check out this list of over 2000 cross-compatible LCD screens and Laptops — a list which is merely a fraction of the whole!


Compatible Laptops and LCDs for LG 15.6in LCD screen


As always, please let us know if there are certain parts you can’t find and would like us to carry or specially source for you. You can call us at 913-839-1718, send us an email to sales@etechpartsdotcom, or you can reach us on any of our social media sites anytime of the day or night. We’re always happy to help create solutions for our customers. Remember to join the Repair Community and stay tuned for more from eTech Parts!

Approaching Corporate Customers

Approaching large clients such as corporations or school districts for the first time can be a daunting experience for any business owner. But with some preparation, a set plan, and proper business etiquette you will be well on your way to reeling in the big fish clientele you want. Thanks to Neil on Facebook for this great blog suggestion — we hope this helps, Neil!



Approaching Corporate Customers

We spoke with Miguel Brito of Spa City iRepair, a business owner who has been extremely successful in approaching and landing large corporate accounts and school district clients. He gave us some pointers and helpful hints he’s learned about the process along the way.





1) Research


Do your research! Every client big and small wants you to understand their business, so find out everything you can about the company or school district you plan on approaching. Know their mission statement, their company values, how many devices they currently have in circulation, and what their current repair process is. These are important pieces of information to know when planning and personalizing your presentation/sales pitch to the client. It also shows them you’ve done your homework, that you understand their goals and that you care about their success as well as your own.



2) Planning


Planning is key when it comes to approaching large clients or school districts. It’s important you find the correct person to speak to and plan to meet with them, preferably face-to-face. I asked Miguel how he went about approaching his first school district client: “All I had to do was go to a local school district and ask for a meeting with the Director of Technology. After the meeting was arranged, I introduced myself to him and asked to learn more about their current process when it comes to broken iPads and iMacs.” After learning more about the rigamarole that specific school district went through to have their iPads repaired, he put them on paper. “Corporate clients like to see things on paper with projection of results.”

Convincing clients they need your services can often be as simple as putting the numbers where they can see them. Simply putting the numbers on paper and comparing their current state of business to the deal you’re offering them can be all the convincing they need.

To convince them further, Miguel offered his large clients a 15% Multi-Repair discount on invoices of 10 or more devices. Having plans already set to share with the client is an important part of the pitch and shows them you’re fully prepared and ready to take on their business.

Offering to perform repairs on-site or even offering to be their “on-call” technician can also help convince clients who are currently working with mail-in repair centers or long turn-around times. Corporate clients are busy and often have important, time-sensitive information on their devices; these clients usually require (or prefer) quicker turn-around times. Offer whatever you can to make it as easy as possible for the client to get their devices fixed.



3) Presentation


According to Miguel, presentation is the most important part of acquiring corporate clients. “Personality and appearance are key when it comes to speaking with corporate clients. They will not take you seriously if you show up unshaven, dressed in a worn-down t-shirt and flip flops.” No matter what field you’re in, professionalism in dress and the way you present yourself is the most important part of making a good first impression to prospective clients. Present yourself and your business as a trustworthy resource for fixing their broken devices. Remember: you’re offering them a solution to their problem.

Research and plan your presentation well so you can deliver it with ease and confidence. This means having a strong grasp of the figures and costs associated with your proposal so you can back it up with facts should they ask questions. Be confident in your delivery and personable in your approach and when all else fails, fake it ’til you make it. Act like one of the big guys and don’t downplay your talents or success; be confident in your proposal and they will be, too.

Many technicians even offer to fix a device or two for free as a sample of their work. While you might see it as working for free, think of it more as aiding in your long term success. Building relationships is important when it comes to winning over corporate clients; the client will appreciate your effort and if your work is impeccable, they have no reason to say no!




We asked Miguel how much of his business at Spa City iRepair is now comprised of corporate clients and school districts. “I would have to say at least 35% of our business is now comprised of corporate clients — and because of our recognition with these corporate clients, our general clientele has increased considerably.” In addition to a more steady stream of revenue and larger orders, added credibility to your repair shop is another benefit to servicing and adding large corporate accounts to your client list. While repairing dozens of devices at a time might seem overwhelming at first, that client could easily become a large contributor to your business.


If you’re planning on approaching a large corporate or school district customer for the first time, we wish you luck in your endeavors and hope we could offer some helpful tips. Thanks to Miguel from Spa City iRepair for contributing his helpful insights and past experience to this article! Do you have any good advice to offer the Repair Community? What works best for you when approaching large clients? Let us know in the comments below!

California Repair Shops : Are You Certified?

If you own a cell phone repair shop in California and don’t have an official state-issued license hanging on your wall, we have some bad news for you..


This week CBS-Sacramento reported on an unlicensed cell phone repair shop in Sacramento, CA losing a customer’s phone and refusing to provide a replacement solution. This sort of shady business practice is obviously frowned upon in the repair industry; but what caught our attention most was learning that cell phone repair shops in California are required to have an official state-issued license in order to lawfully operate.





Did you know?


In California, all businesses that repair cell phones (or appliances) must be licensed by the state’s Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair (BEAR).

News to you? It was to us, too – and according to the article we’re not the only ones out of the loop. Many appliance and electronic repair shop owners aren’t even aware this license is required to lawfully operate! According to Russ Heimerich of California’s Department of Consumer Affairs, “a lot of appliance repair stores don’t know that they need to be licensed.”

If you fail to register your repair shop for a BEAR license you could be fined up to $150 per location. While you might think you’re safe if you haven’t been issued a warning or citation yet, check out this list of citations the state of California issued between July and September of 2013 which includes over 150 citations in just 3 months!



How to Register


The good news is, registration through the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair is easy and relatively inexpensive. The average cell phone repair shop will have to pay a registration fee and yearly renewal fee of $165 per location. The delinquency fee for not paying is 50% of the registration fee. There is no examination, education, or experience requirements for a registration issued by BEAR.

To register all you have to do is complete this form online, print it out, mail it with your applicable fees to the Department of Consumer Affairs and wait 3-4 weeks. Once your certificate of registration arrives in the mail, it must be displayed in your shop where customers can see it.


To learn more about how to register for your BEAR license, please check out the FAQ section of the California Department of Consumer Affairs BEAR website.


We hope to raise awareness to keep everyone in the Repair Community on track and out of trouble! While we hate being the bearer of bad news, we sincerely hope we could help those of you who weren’t aware of this certification to get registered. eTech Parts has traveled to California several times over the past four years and not once have we heard of this required certification.

To the repair shop owners out there in California, have you ever been asked by customers about this certification? If you are certified, has it added to your repair shop’s credibility? Let us know in the comments below, you know we always love hearing from you. Be sure to LIKE us on Facebook to stay in touch with the Repair Community and as always, keep checking back for more from eTech Parts!